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Soil moisture determination is of major significance. Soil moisture influences crop growth not only by affecting nutrient availability, but also nutrient transformations and soil biological behavior.
moisture determination is of major significance. Soil moisture influences crop
growth not only by affecting nutrient availability, but also nutrient
transformations and soil biological behavior. Measurement is
carried out by gravimetry after drying at a maximum temperature of 105°C. This
increase in temperature maintained for a controlled period of time, is
sufficiently high to eliminate “free” forms of water and sufficiently low not
to cause a significant loss of organic matter and unstable salts by
analytical balance.
Homogenize the sample of soil
Take a portion of well homogenized sample
of soil and weight it.
Dry it in an oven at 1050C
until a constant weight is attained.
Cool in a desiccator and record the final
weight of sample.
Calculate the percentage moisture content
of a given soil with the formula below:
content (%) = Wi-Wf/Wi*100
Where, Wi is initial weight of
Wf is final weight of soil after drying
1. George E., Rolf S., John R.; Methods of Soil, plant and water analysis;3rd
ed; p65
2.Sadhan C. Anand Dev G.; Handbook of Water, air and soil analysis; international E publication;2014
3.Haluschak P. Laboratory Methods of Soil Analysis Canada-Manitoba Soil Survey, April 2006
4.Marc P.; Jacques G.Handbook of Soil Analysis Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods;Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006