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Chronic heavy alcohol use can lead to impotence, loss of sex drive, wasting of the testicles and reduced fertility.
(ethanol or ethyl alcohol) is the ingredient found in beer, wine and spirits
which causes drunkenness. After a drink is swallowed, the alcohol is rapidly absorbed
into the blood with effects felt within 5 to 10 minutes after drinking and thus
is carried through all the organs of the body. The degree at which alcohol
affects the body depends on different factor like the quantity, age, gender,
frequency and whether there is a food in stomach or not. The following are some
of the risk associated with single and multiple use of alcohol.
· Alcohol is addictive and can lead to
· Alcohol causes the loss of memory for a
period of drunkenness,
· Alcohol is a carcinogen, meaning that it
causes cancers in humans such as cancer of the large intestines, rectum, mouth,
liver and breast (in women),
· Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that it
causes water to lost from the body through the kidneys (into urine), which can
lead to dehydration,
· Chronic heavy alcohol reduces immune
system by affecting the white blood cells that fights infection,
· Alcohol use causes many different types of
injuries, including injuries from road traffic accidents, assaults and falls,
· Chronic heavy alcohol use interferes with
the absorption of calcium and bone formation and can actually lead thinning of
the bones, which makes the bones more likely to break,
· Chronic heavy alcohol use can also damage
the part of the brain responsible for balance and coordination (the
cerebellum), leading to instability and problems with walking,
· Alcohol causes a sudden paralysis, loss of
sensation or inability to talk because the blood supply to the brain is
interrupted, is complex,
· Heavy chronic alcohol use is also linked
to high blood pressure, particularly in men,
· Chronic heavy alcohol use can damage the
liver, causing alcoholic liver diseases,
· Being drunk increases the risk of
pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by infection from bacteria
or viruses),
· Heavy alcohol use on a single occasion can
lead to dangerously low blood sugar,
· Chronic heavy alcohol use can lead to
impotence, loss of sex drive, wasting of the testicles and reduced fertility,
· Consuming alcohol while pregnant may increase
the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, stillbirth and premature birth. It
can also cause significant abnormalities in the unborn, developing baby.
Alcohol affects mood in a variety of ways, and can make people feel happy, sad
or aggressive, and can also cause moods swing.
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